Solve the Chrome tabs mess
Frustrated with the amount of tabs you have open?
Safely close the tabs that are not needed now
Restore from the cloud later
Browse like normal,
everything is saved automatically
everything is saved automatically
How it works
Install the browser extension for free
Browse like normal
Seamless automatically backs up your sessions
Reduce clutter
Too many tabs? Close your current session and pick up where you left off later.
Add to Chrome for free
Reduce clutter & increase performance
Everything is in the cloud
No manual work required - your tabs are backed up automatically
Transition between devices - just restore a session from the cloud
Pro version
Eveyrthing in free version
Unlimited cloud storage
Dashboard with all your sessions accessible even from mobile
Browser history. Organized. Coming Soon
Dark theme Coming Soon
Archive sessions to reduce clutter even more
Even more organization using colors and tags Coming Soon